VeraGraft™ is sterile processed human allograft tissue particulate bone with a particle size of 250-1000µm. It is supplied in a range of sizes, formats and is used to provide safe and reliable regeneration. The products are aseptically processed and packed, preserved by freeze-drying, terminally sterilized by gamma irradiation and are for surgical use by licensed clinicians & Health Canada licensed & AATB accredited. 50/50 blend allows for a longer lasting space maintenance with the 50% cortical and faster remodelling with 50% cancellous bone. The bone is packaged in a dish for ease of use.
BioXclude® is the only minimally manipulated dehydrated human deepithelialized amnion-chorion membrane available for use in a variety of dental, endodontic, oral maxillofacial, and periodontal regenerative procedures as a barrier, conduit,...
Laminar bone membranes are made from thin sheets of cortical bone which has been processed to be flexible without breaking, while still supporting weight. These allografts are perfect for procedures...
Maxxeus™ leads the dental industry offering the widest variety of bone type and particulate ranges to suit any clinician’s preference. Bone particulates are processed using a patented bioburden reduction process,...