BioXclude® is the only minimally manipulated dehydrated human deepithelialized amnion-chorion membrane available for use in a variety of dental, endodontic, oral maxillofacial, and periodontal regenerative procedures as a barrier, conduit, connector or cushion. Amnion-chorion tissue contains biological factors which aid in healing, promote angiogenesis, reduce inflammation and accelerate flap reattachment. It also possesses inherent anti-bacterial properties and the tissue is non-immunogenic.
No need to trim or fixate & unmatched adhesion properties
Cytoplast™ TXT-200 Non-Resorbable High-Density PTFE Membrane Non-resorbable high-density PTFE membrane Ideal dental membrane for socket grafting and grafting where primary closure is not possible Porosity of less than 0.3 microns...
Cytoplast™ RTM Collagen Resorbable Bovine Membrane Bovine-derived, engineered (reconstituted), collagen membrane Long-lasting collagen membrane; resorption profile of 26-38 weeks Easily drapes over the ridge, but not so flimsy that it...
VeraGraft™ is sterile processed human allograft tissue particulate bone with a particle size of 250-1000µm. It is supplied in a range of sizes, formats and is used to provide safe and...