Promotions: BioXclude® membrane 5+1 (code:GB5+1) & W&H handpieces 20% off code: SHP20

VeraGraft™ allograft bone particulate

VeraGraft™ is sterile processed human allograft tissue particulate bone with a particle size of 250-1000µm. It is supplied in a range of sizes, formats and is used to provide safe and reliable regeneration. The products are aseptically processed and packed, preserved by freeze-drying, terminally sterilized by gamma irradiation and are for surgical use by licensed clinicians & Health Canada licensed & AATB accredited.  50/50 blend allows for a longer lasting space maintenance with the 50% cortical and faster remodelling with 50% cancellous bone. The bone is packaged in a dish for ease of use.

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Promotions: BioXclude® membrane 5+1 (code:GB5+1) & W&H handpieces 20% off code: SHP20