MONOCRYL Ethicon (absorbable) sutures

MONOCRYL Suture is indicated for use in general soft tissue approximation and/ or ligation, but not for use in cardiovascular or neurological tissues, microsurgery, or ophthalmic surgery.

This suture, being absorbable, should not be used where extended approximation of tissue under stress is required, such as in fascia.

Progressive loss of tensile strength and eventual absorption of MONOCRYL Suture occurs by means of hydrolysis. Absorption begins as a loss of tensile strength followed by a loss of mass.

Tensile Strength (Wound Support) - Medium Term (3-4 weeks)

Tensile Strength Retention in Tissue -
- 50-60% of original strength remains at 1 week
- 20-30% of original strength remains at 2 weeks

- 60-70% of original strength remains at 1 week
- 30-40% of original strength remains at 2 weeks

Absorption Time - Completely absorbed in 91-119 days

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