Promotions: BioXclude® membrane 5+1 (code:GB5+1) & W&H handpieces 20% off code: SHP20

Promotions: BioXclude® membrane 5+1 (code:GB5+1) & W&H handpieces 20% off code: SHP20

Aetranox™ Composite Instruments

The CompoSmooth DCR composite instruments feature the exclusive AETRANOX™ surface reinforcing matrix for enhanced lubricity of the tip. The AETRANOX™ coating coupled with the mirrors smooth finish of the underlying steel help prevent adhesion of the composite. 

  • Aetranox™ Composite Instrument #2010TI, 2mm x 7mm Paddles, Bionik Handle (PFI2010TI)
  • Aetranox™ Composite Instrument #2012TI, 1.5mm x 5mm Flared Paddle/Beavertail Spatula, Bionik Handle (PFI2012TI)
  • Aetranox™ Composite Instrument #2025TI, 2mm Rounded Plugger/Burnisher, Bionik Handle (PFI2025TI)
  • Aetranox™ Composite Instrument #2032TI, Fisher Former, Bionik Handle (PFI2032TI)


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